Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Free Game Design: AR/QR 4X Space Explore

I have too many game concepts to ever take all the way to the end. Feel free to borrow from my "Free Game Design" series, but I would appreciate a thank you in the credits if you decide to publish it. I'll generally have more material for these games, than what I post here - feel free to reach out to me. If I end up using this myself or some other company picks it up, I'll let folks know.

Space Explore

Space Explore stems from a problem of replayability, the difficulty of expansions, and ...an interest in AR/QR codes. It's a board game that uses both types of codes, allowing for some interesting dynamics. There is no way to play this game without a phone, and the server would need to keep around in order for the game to keep playing. (I would maybe say "this game is good for 10 years", after which, we'd provide a method to migrate over to their own custom servers.)

Honestly, we could probably set up some way to set up a server in AWS with the populated data right now, but there's a reason why we'd set up a server for now. I'll only cover the QR+AR aspect of the game - that's the interesting bit.

In addition to any of the standard piece components of a space-based 4X game, there's a double-sided QR code as the "key" universe card, a stack of planet cards with random AR images, and sets of technology cards with different AR images.

QR Code Part 1: The Universe

When a group of players sit down around the table, they pull out the double-sided universe card, the "owner" checks into the game using the QR code, sets up the game, flips the universe card over, and the rest of the players check in.

AR Code Part 1: Technologies

Players will research new technologies, manufacture new components, and create new ships. New technologies/components will result in gaining cards with AR codes on them.

AR Code Parts 2 & 3: Planets & Exploration

As players explore their universe, the phone app will tell them how many planets show up in a system, and have them scan planet AR codes so the game knows what's there. As the player attempts to explore a planet, they will get a short synopsis of what their sensors tell them (sometimes modified by their technologies installed on their main ships), and then they can send a shuttle down. Shuttles will have 4 "slots" for technology AR codes - as the shuttle approaches the planet, the player takes a shot using their app, of the 4 AR cards representing the technology they feel will allow them safe access to the planet and gain access to its resources.

Adding new content: setting up a game

One of the great parts about this game, is you can add new planets to the game without having to sell more board game components in physical stores. We could even have a part in the game app or website, where players could submit new planets - either for just themselves or for consumption by others. When an owner is setting up a game, they can even have sliders for what mix of planets they want - maybe 60% base game, 20% fan-made, 10% owner-made, 10% expansion number 1.

What I really like about this game concept, is that it allows for players to become designers. It allows for a bigger universe, where expert players don't always know what they will see. There's always a mystery on what planets will be out there, what technologies will pay off,

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