Friday, October 22, 2021

Free Design Friday: Chairman of Mars aka Russian buyback

This is a social game, hitting the theme of a plutocracy occasionally selling off its valuable resources to its richest oligarchs...only to claw them back for free later.


"The Mars Federation committee has decided to embrace capitalism! The winner will become the permanent chairman of the least for a little while. May the richest Martian win!"

The game

The players are both an oligarchs and a minister on the committee. Each round, each minister will offer up a government contract for the others to bid on, but only they know the true value. The other oligarchs will get to place one secret bid for that contract, and the highest one wins. (The money goes to the minister.)

At the end of purchasing, the current chairman can veto any one contract that was purchased this turn, with that money being going to the bank and the contract going back in the deck. Any kind of bribe is okay, nothing is enforceable.

As the last act of the year, ministers vote who will be the next chairman. Each contract gives them a vote, current chairman instead gets a number of votes equal to the number of players.

End score is based on your money on hand, and the worth of your hidden contracts.

You also get a small income after each round, as befitting an oligarch.

Overall review

It's a social interactive brawl kind of game, which derives the fun from who you are playing with. The chairman position doesn't get to auction things off, but can take bribes.

It's a little weak, because players are bidding on contracts, without any kind of information. Maybe have 3 stages of value for stocks, with some money amount overlapping. It might be interesting to give each contract a power, or a "set" power, if you were to hold 3+ contracts of a certain type. Players would be on the lookout to offensively or defensively draft contracts.

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